Evaluasi Performa Lapisan AC-BC Akibat Eksposur tanpa Penutupan AC-WC


  • Reza Hasrul Universitas Negeri Makassar Author
  • Rizki Ayu Saraswati Universitas Muslim Indonesia Author
  • Mohammad Junaedy Rahman Universitas Negeri Makassar Author
  • Furqan Ali Yusuf Universitas Negeri Makassar Author
  • Ahmad Wahidiyat Haedar Universitas Negeri Makassar Author
  • Iriandy Universitas Negeri Makassar Author
  • Ali Fauzi Mahmuda Universitas Sulawesi Barat Author




This study evaluates the impact of exposure on the Asphalt Concrete – Binder Course (AC-BC) layer without the Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Course (AC-WC) overlay over two years on its mechanical properties and density. Exposure to traffic loads and environmental conditions, such as UV radiation, rainfall, and temperature fluctuations, potentially causes significant degradation. Samples were tested using the Marshall method to analyze stability, flow, air voids, VMA, VFB, and Marshall Quotient, with field data compared to initial laboratory data before. The results indicate a reduction in relative density from 98% to 92–94%, as well as changes in aggregate gradation, particularly in the medium and coarse fractions. Stability was recorded at 3709.99 kg, significantly exceeding the minimum specification of 800 kg, but the flow of 5.77 mm exceeded the 2–4 mm specification range, suggesting a higher tendency for plastic deformation. This study emphasizes the importance of promptly covering the AC-BC with AC-WC to prevent further degradation. Recommendations include the application of a seal coat as a temporary mitigation measure. These findings offer strategic insights for more efficient and durable road infrastructure planning. 


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